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Brexit Top 10 Tips

Brexit Top 10 Tips

The seemingly elusive Brexit deal has been done. So, what’s next? Here are our Top 10 need to know tips for streamlining your eCommerce Brexit operations for 2021 - and beyond!  Download the PFS Brexit eBook for more helpful tips!…

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Brexit: Navigating the Unknown

Brexit eBook: Navigating the Unknown

The PFS Brexit eBook considers the key issues facing the global eCommerce landscape following the door shutting on the Brexit transition period as of 1st January 2021. While the UK and EU managed to strike a deal at the 11th…

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Brexit: Retailer Insight

Forging a Smooth Path for UK Retailers Post-Brexit

As the clock ticks down on one of the most unique peak seasons, and the door shuts on the Brexit transition period, are UK retailers ready for the changes to come? Top priorities and concerns for UK online retailers post-Brexit PFS recently…

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Preparing for last-minute shoppers during a pandemic

Preparing for Last-Minute Shoppers During a Pandemic

As carriers warn about capacity concerns and supply chain disruption continues, PFS looks at how brands and retailers can prepare for last-minute shoppers in 2020. The unusual 2020 holiday season is already in full force having kicked-off in mid-October. This…

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