B2B eCommerce Whitepaper – The Trillion Dollar Industry
Our B2B eCommerce whitepaper focuses on the current state of B2B eCommerce and how this trillion dollar industry is evolving and continues to innovate at a rate comparable to B2C eCommerce.
You’ll find information about…
- B2B eCOMMERCE SALES – Both in the U.S. and worldwide, the B2B eCommerce market is more than twice the size of the B2C market. Also included are projected sales growth rates and why the unique needs of B2B shoppers are driving growth.
- B2B eCOMMERCE BUYER BEHAVIOR – Understand why the conversion rate in B2B eCommerce is more than twice as high as B2C, along with key facts about how B2B shoppers learn about and discover products.
- THE CURRENT STATE OF B2B eCOMMERCE AND WHY RETAILERS ARE SELLING B2B – More retailers are engaging in B2B eCommerce not only to meet the demands of shoppers but to save money. Included are key factors that are accelerating B2B eCommerce as well as common roadblocks for B2B retailers.
- CHANNEL CONFLICT / CHANNEL SHIFTING – Selling online can be a major change for retailers and how they generate B2B revenue. Attribution and channel concerns are issues discussed in-depth for retailers today and in the future.
- COMPANY TACTICS & TRENDS – Discover some of the most successful tactics and trends retailers are using to target B2B shoppers and how advancements in B2C retail technology are starting to become more common in B2B eCommerce.
We hope this whitepaper is informative about the current state of B2B eCommerce and how its emergence as a true B2B retail channel continues to increase.